How it works
One very important aspect of our work in Nigeria is mass evangelism through correspondence courses. Most Nigerians do not have access to electricity. This prevents us from focusing on TV or radio ministries and puts the focus on printed materials. We use a seven part course that is designed to teach the Bible. These courses are distributed to any congregation that wishes to use them. Members of the local congregations then hand out the courses to members of their community. If the courses are completed and returned to the local preacher or church member, they can post them to one of our two course offices. The courses will then be graded and returned. Also, the next course is distributed to the student
This process allows the student to spend time studying the Bible for themselves and also allows them build a relationship with the local church. Once the course is completed and the student wishes to be baptized into Christ, then the local brethren who have been working with them are able to assist. This method has been very fruitful through the years and it is our hope that this will continue into the future.
Our Course Offices
In 2012 we opened our first course office on the campus of SBS in Jos. We were privileged to be able to dedicate the office to our late co-worker, Bro. Raymond Bush. This office is overseen by a seasoned follow-up man named Dauda Bago. Dauda has worked very hard through the years to maintain the Bush center and continues to labor on behalf of those who need the Gospel. Through his efforts, over 5000 courses have gone out. Many people have been restored or baptized into Christ as result of these efforts.
In 2017 we opened a second office in the capital city of Abuja. This is a bustling city that is growing everyday. Our goal was to open this office to assist the churches who are in and around Abuja. We tasked bros. Jingfa Nancwat and Henry Ididiong with this responsibility. So far, they have worked very hard to distribute thousands of courses. People are responding to the Gospel almost monthly and we are all excited about the steady growth of this effort.
In both cases, we are very thankful for what the Lord has done through our efforts. We are blessed to be able to participate in spreading the life-saving message of Jesus!

You Can Participate
Yes, you can be part of this work. In fact, we need you to be a part of this work. There are continual costs associated with this effort. We must print the courses, maintain the offices, travel to pick and post the courses, provide a living wage for the men who work in the offices, and help them to communicate with the local preachers. We would love to have a congregation, individual, or group of individuals to take responsibility for one or both of these courses. This would allow you to play a major role in the work and see what the Lord will do. If you would be interested in making this work your own, then contact Adam Cox at coxadamh@gmail.com or by phone at 256-762-2438.